A downloadable soundtrack

Replica Hunters is an imaginary game made up for Lone Rabbit's OST Composing Jam: CRUNCHTIME 2, where participants had to make the soundtrack of a non-existing game in 48 hours, based on a theme: "Cyberpunk".

Album art made by the great Sakuragi!!
Here's their Twitter: https://twitter.com/SakuragiArt

Set in a dystopian future inspired by the novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" and its movie adaptation "Blade Runner", Replica Hunters is a Tactical RPG where the player controls a team of bounty hunters. Their mission is simple: neutralize the illegal remaining androids (named Replicas) that still roam around the city.

Quickly the team starts to wonder, though... Do Replicas feel like humans do? Do they have ambitions, hopes, imagination? Do they suffer, feel pain, or feel despair? Or is it all simulated artificial intelligence?

They realize Replicas indeed are conscious beings that deserve rights like humans do. But what about their mission? Will they go on with it knowing this harsh truth?


Jape Falcon - Replica Hunters OST.zip 17 MB
Jape Falcon - Opening ~ Dawning Replica.mp3 3 MB
Jape Falcon - Cutscene ~ Dreaming Replica.mp3 4 MB
Jape Falcon - Battle ~ Defiant Replica.mp3 3 MB
Jape Falcon - Preparations ~ Disposable Replica.mp3 1 MB
Jape Falcon - Boss Battle ~ Deadly Replica.mp3 2 MB
Jape Falcon - Ending ~ Dormant Replica.mp3 3 MB

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